DOPE Magazine Refresh

Art Direction and Creative Lead

DOPE Magazine is a cannabis lifestyle magazine that aims to highlight the many positive aspects of the cannabis industry and actively work towards breaking the various stigmas that have plagued this industry for generations. I have always felt a deep sense of pride in what DOPE has produced and stand firmly behind each issue, even when some editorial decisions were met with backlash from certain audiences. The reason for this unwavering support is that we all believe it is important for any editorial magazine to push the boundaries of conventional thought and encourage the audience to ask themselves questions they may not have considered before.

Since we had the editorial side of the magazine effectively locked down after a brief and thoughtful refresh, it felt only right and fitting to give the overall look of the magazine a much-needed facelift. DOPE has always showcased the classic masthead with the logo prominently dominating the top of the cover while featuring the talent front and center. It was undeniably a beautiful design that many appreciated, but with more and more publications emerging each year, it became evident that it was time to modernize and adapt to current trends.

I lead the art direction as we conducted thorough research and gathered a variety of ideas regarding how we envisioned the magazine should look as we moved forward into the future. Through extensive research and engaging focus groups, we were able to gather a wealth of information that pointed us in a direction we were already aiming toward. People expressed a strong desire to see the magazine updated and refreshed. They wanted it to feel less like a traditional magazine and more akin to a beautifully curated coffee table book—something you would want to collect and cherish rather than simply toss aside. A book that not only showcased stunning visuals but also taught you something meaningful and insightful, enriching the reader's experience.

What we ultimately ended up with was just that—an impressive transformation. We modernized the hell out of the entire concept by carefully stripping away a substantial amount of the unnecessary fluff and minimizing the graphics to a great extent in order to let the photos and articles truly speak for themselves. The result of these efforts ultimately ended up causing a significant increase in reader subscriptions, both online and in print formats. Our social media following expanded remarkably, and we received praise from all corners of the community. I genuinely think that together, we really nailed it.



DOPE Magazine today
